CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Requirements * Installation * Configuration * Developers * Maintainers INTRODUCTION ------------ This module provides a framework for easily creating searches on any entity known to Drupal, using any kind of search engine. For site administrators, it is a great alternative to other search solutions, since it already incorporates faceting support (with [1]) and the ability to use the Views module for displaying search results, filters, etc. Also, with the Apache Solr integration [2], a high-performance search engine is available for this module. [1] [2] Developers, on the other hand, will be impressed by the large flexibility and numerous ways of extension the module provides. Hence, the growing number of additional contrib modules, providing additional functionality or helping users customize some aspects of the search process. * For a full description of the module, visit the project page: * To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes: REQUIREMENTS ------------ No other modules are required. INSTALLATION ------------ Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. For further information, see: CONFIGURATION ------------- After installation, for a quick start, just install the "Database Search Defaults" module provided with this project. This will automatically set up a search view for node content, using a database server for indexing. Otherwise, you need to enable at least a module providing integration with a search backend (like database, Solr, Elasticsearch, …). Possible options are listed at [3]. Then, go to /admin/config/search/search-api on your site and create a search server and search index. Afterwards, you can create a view based on your index to enable users to search the content you configured to be indexed. More details are available online in the handbook [4]. There, you can also find answers to frequently asked questions and common pitfalls to avoid. [3] [4] DEVELOPERS ---------- The Search API provides a lot of ways for developers to extend or customize the framework. - Hooks All available hooks are listed in search_api.api.php. - Events Currently, only the Search API's task system (for reliably executing necessary system tasks) makes use of events. Every time a task is executed, an event will be fired based on the task's type and the sub-system that scheduled the task is responsible for reacting to it. This system is extensible and can therefore also easily be used by contrib modules based on the Search API. For details, see the description of the \Drupal\search_api\Task\TaskManager class, and the other classes in src/Task for examples. - Plugins The Search API defines several plugin types, all listed in its search_api.plugin_type.yml file. Here is a list of them, along with the directory in which you can find there definition files (interface, plugin base and plugin manager): - Backends: src/Backend - Datasources: src/Datasource - Data types: src/DataType - Displays: src/Display - Parse modes: src/ParseMode - Processors: src/Processor - Trackers: src/Tracker The display plugins are a bit of a special case there, because they aren't really "extending" the framework, but are rather a way of telling the Search API (and all modules integrating with it) about search pages your module defines. They can then be used to provide, for example, faceting support for those pages. Therefore, if your module provides any search pages, it's a good idea to provide display plugins for them. For an example (for Views pages), see \Drupal\search_api\Plugin\search_api\display\ViewsPage. The handbook documentation for developers is available at [5]. [5] To know which parts of the module can be relied upon as its public API, please read the "Drupal 8 backwards compatibility and internal API policy" [6] and the module's issue regarding potential module-specific changes to that policy [7]. [6] [7] SERVER BACKEND FEATURES ----------------------- Server backend features are a way for other contrib modules to cleanly define ways in which the Search API can be extended. For more information, see [8]. [8] The Search API module itself currently defines one feature: - More Like This (search_api_mlt) This feature can be used to retrieve a list of search results that are similar to a given indexed item. A backend that supports this plugin has to recognize the "search_api_mlt" query option. If present, it contains an associative array with the following keys: - id: The Search API item ID (consisting of the datasource ID and the datasource-specific item ID – passing a plain entity ID will NOT work!) of the item for which similar results should be found. - fields: A simple array of fields which should be used for determining similarity. Backends can choose to ignore this field. - "field boosts": (optional) An associative array mapping fields to a numeric "boost" value that determines how important they should be considered when determining similarity. Backends can choose to ignore this field. The feature can be used in the UI via the "More like this" Views contextual filter. MAINTAINERS ----------- Current maintainers: * Thomas Seidl (drunken monkey) -